Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You will always be with me!!!

Dear Dad,
I remember how your arms hold me and give me strength.
You were always there to listen, love, and defend!

I remember how you taught us the greatest values of life and broadview
Each moment I thank god for blessing me with the greatest gift, thats you!

Thank you Dad,
For always understanding, listening, caring, and loving me your whole life.
Here deep inside my heart you’ll always be my hero!


I know that no matter what
You will always be with me.

When I see a bird chirping on a nearby branch
I will know it is you singing to me.

When a butterfly brushes gently by me so care freely
I will know it is you assuring me dear, you are pain-free.

When the gentle fragrance of a flower catches my attention
I will know it is you reminding me to appreciate the simple things

When the sun shining through my window awakens me
I will feel the warmth of your love.

When I hear the rain pitter patter against my window sill
I will hear your words of wisdom and power of Will,

When I look out to the sea
I will think of your endless love for your family.

No matter where I am
Your spirit will be beside me

For I know that no matter what
You will always be with me.

Love you Dad!

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